If your company is challenged to keep its website healthy and updated because of staffing shortages or resources that are less than reliable, I want you to take a look at MCG Strategic, the company DBE uses to keep our website humming. They’re a great resource for small to mid-sized companies in any industry because they make your website one less thing for you to worry about. With MCG, it’s covered.

They’ve got tech/content maintenance plans aligned for the budgets of small to mid-sized companies, the entire team is phenomenal and all in-house in the US. They’re smart, resourceful, responsive, and seriously, they are some of my favorite people. So check them out.

Here’s the website and how to reach out to them.

Niki’s Notes

Every week, Niki’s Notes reveals insights, tools, trainings, events, professionals, suggested reading, noteworthy companies, charitable organizations, and much more that are spreading kindness worldwide.