Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces
Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.
How is your work life going? Are you and your colleagues dealing with unanticipated stresses, or is 2025 par for the course in [...]
I wish those who are mandating 4-5 days a week Return to Office (RTO) would take a more people-focused and long-term view. We’ve [...]
I noticed on Monday the afternoon was a little longer, with the sun setting at 5:04 p.m. That’s 25 minutes more afternoon sunshine [...]
As companies increasingly pull employees back to the office, in some cases 4-5 days a week, I’m hearing about all kinds of lifestyle [...]
It’s been three weeks since we connected this way—how are you? Did you think, “fine” or “good” or “great”? Or are you not-so-great, [...]
🧠 I’ve Been Thinking… … about how much you can learn from reading the comments on social media posts, particularly, about how people process [...]
If you’re enjoying Niki’s Notes, please recommend this free subscription to a friend. They can subscribe here: Niki’s Notes Subscription Link 🧠 I’ve [...]
🧠 I’ve Been Thinking… … about when technology costs time rather than saves it. No need to bore you with my recent email challenges, [...]
A Better Paradigm Work Journal
How can you become more self-aware and aware of others? Our team has pulled together 52 weeks of thought-provoking questions into a work journal to help you on your kind workplace mission!