Comvia Group specializes in communication, leadership, presentation, and executive coaching and training.

Key services provided by Comvia are:

  • Leadership Development. Influential and inspiring leadership requires self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and expert communication skills.
  • Speaking, Presenting & Storytelling. From the storyline and slides to delivery and Q&A, Comvia helps make you a better presenter.
  • Workplace Relationships. Helping teams reach their highest potential and be at their collaborative best through better communication. (This is how DBE leveraged Comvia’s strengths.)
  • Career Journey & Transition Coaching. Connect your purpose with your career path and be more fulfilled where you are, or more confident exploring something new.

If you’re looking for a resource to help you or your team, ABP highly recommends Michael Piperno of the Comvia Group. You can learn more about Comvia and Michael Piperno.

Niki’s Notes

Every week, Niki’s Notes reveals insights, tools, trainings, events, professionals, suggested reading, noteworthy companies, charitable organizations, and much more that are spreading kindness worldwide.