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This is the last issue of Niki’s Notes… for 2023.

Thank you for bringing me into your sphere to share ripples of info for you to turn into waves of positive change in the world of work.

Big cheers for what you are doing. I’m grateful to be in the mix with you!

Here’s what I’d like to share with you this week:

  • The 2023 Do Good Spotlight Roundup. We’re going to give this year’s featured not-for-profits another shout-out here! If you have the ability and want to donate time or resources to good causes, here’s a list of reputable organizations to consider: Do Good Spotlight Roundup 2023.

Wait! There’s One More Do Good Spotlight for 2023
🌟 No Kid Hungry 🌟

1 in 5 kids in America live with hunger today. No Kid Hungry is working to solve problems of hunger and poverty in the United States and around the world. They offer school meals, grants, advocacy, research, and more to help their cause. They even have a “Free Meal Finder” to help anyone find help near them. Learn more: No Kid Hungry.

  • Did you know there are “dark sky parks” designated for star gazing across the US? I didn’t. Now I do. You now do, too!
  • Is ChatGPT already getting lazy? Some people are calling it out for being, well, lackluster. Mashable reports.

Noteworthy 🖋
Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies of 2023

I usually feature one company here, but I thought, it’s the holidays, why limit us? Here’s Fast Company’s list of the most innovative companies of 2023. I think you will enjoy cruising through—it’s not all tech companies, though of course they’re on the list and, no surprise, OpenAI is number one. But Tiffany & Company is on there as are Holdfast Collective, Canva, Giant Spoon, and dozens more (50 total, I didn’t feel like doing the math).

  • I love the Gen Z’s I work with, and I know many of you feel the same way. It’s a good thing, because by next year, they’ll outnumber boomers in the workforce. What are Gen Z workers doing to shake things up? For one thing, questioning why things are done a certain way and not taking “that’s how it’s always been done” as an answer. (Good!)
  • Do you have climate anxiety? Many people do. Here’s what to do about it. Suggestion: team building exercise on projects you can do as a company.

Ta da! That’s it for 2023. Niki’s Notes for Thoughtful Leaders will be back in your inbox (or subscribe on LinkedIn to find it there) on Thursday, January 11, 2024. I’m wishing you all a wonderful wrap up to this year, and please find a little time for yourself during all the hubbub to be grateful for the good you’re experiencing. Take some time, too, to plan for “resonance,” the expectation that the good you want is right there waiting to align with you in 2024.


Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.