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Happy February and watch out for groundhogs! Can you believe how far we’ve come so quickly? How are you tracking toward your goals? So far, I’m doing a good job–not without challenges–but hey, that’s what makes them goals!

Here are my shares for you for this week:

  • 9 trends Gartner researchers identified you will want to factor into your leadership plans for 2024+:
    • Creative benefits to offset the costs of going to work
    • AI increasing workforce opportunities
    • 4-Day workweeks become commonplace
    • Manager will need to become great at conflict resolution
    • GenAI’s limitations are felt, adjustments will be needed by all
    • College degrees will stop being a de facto requirement for many jobs
    • Climate change support for employees affected by environmental issues
    • DEI doesn’t go away—it becomes embedded in organizations
    • Career paths dissolve as the blanket gets flipped and adjustments to who works when, where, and why reshapes
  • The founder of productivity tool Evernote, Phil Libin, has moved onto other companies but he is ever vigilant about improving productivity for himself and his companies. In this article from , he shares POVs and tips based on what he’s experiencing. I particularly like #4: be a scout, not a soldier. How about you, do you have a favorite?

 The Ask ❔
Do You Have a Question About Compassionate Leadership?

Experimenting with a new feature to help spread best practices around the concepts of weighing options for managing businesses and people with confidence and compassion. For starters, do you have questions about what is meant by “compassionate leadership?” Please answer here.

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 Wikipedia 🌟

If you have a smartphone, you’ve probably used Wikipedia to win a disagreement or two. “When did this movie come out?” “Who originally sang this song?” We’ve been there. That’s why I’ve chosen them as this week’s do gooder. They’ve saved me a few times, it’s time to give them a little support back: Wikipedia.

  • Which management style(s) do you recognize as your own, and are you leveraging their upsides while diminishing their risks? MarketWatch Guides has a detailed article, and below is the list of the 9 styles (what’s with the number 9 today?):
    • Autocratic
    • Democratic
    • Laissez-faire
    • Transformational
    • Coaching
    • Visionary
    • Servant
    • Bureaucratic
    • Situational
  • Here’s a story about Snoop Dog’s ad campaign for Solo Stove being a However, the real failure was setting unrealistic expectations for awareness marketing (it didn’t deliver immediate sales). It’s a good reminder about setting measurable objectives and tracking to those, for marketing and, frankly, most of what we do. Cheers to Amy Masters for sharing this story with me.
  • According to a poll conducted by LinkedIn, 85% of the 1,000 workers surveyed said they are thinking about changing jobs this year. But those who are actually hunting are finding less leverage than they enjoyed in the past. Read all about it in The Wall Street Journal.
  • It would be a stretch to say this one ties to management, other than that some people go a little crazy when there’s a full moon, and apparently some people don’t sleep well when there’s a full moon either. So basically, this is just a very interesting primer on the phases of the moon and the names of the full moons throughout the year. 😊

Noteworthy 🖋
Business Success Consulting Group

Do you feel that your business, or a particular department in it, needs better systems, SOPs, documented, repeatable processes to facilitate success? If the answer is yes, I’d like to suggest you talk with Adi Klevit of Business Success Consulting Group. I met Adi through The Connective, an invite-only group for go-giver types. She is a testament to the caliber of the members of this community because she really cares about getting it right for her clients. And when she and her team do that, their clients win exponentially. They learn about what you want, they audit what you’re doing, and they work with you to fine-tune—and document—processes designed to expand and scale as your business does…actually, they’ll be a key component of that new success.

Find out why their clients can’t thank them enough…

And on that happy note, I bid you adieu. Enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend too. Remember, stay strong, stay confident, and stay compassionate.


Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.