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As I explore the growing movement to bring more respect and consideration into workplaces, I’m excited by the expansiveness of this emerging field. From workshops and communications programs to assessments, coaching, and more, businesspeople are recognizing the value of helping teams reshape their interpersonal interactions.

When 360° awareness of self and others is built into workplace culture, people work more productively and synergistically. This reduces friction and increases positive outcomes, including profitability.

I’m working with pioneers in this field on amplifying initiatives. As things continue to ramp up. I’ll keep you posted.

For now, thanks for being committed to making the world better by making workplaces better.

🚀 Stories to Help You Drive Change

SPECIAL NOTE: If you hit a paywall on any of the stories I share, go to Google Search, enter the name of the publication and something about the story (author, title, subject) to get a natural search link. That usually bypasses the pay wall.

  • Have you had problems getting restaurant reservations? I know it’s an epidemic in NYC. If you have time to read (or listen to) a fantastic story of opportunistic entrepreneurism, this is a good investment of your time.
  • Tensions are growing as companies push back against activist employees. Good overview of how large companies are working to balance between employees wanting to express themselves publicly and companies wanting to protect brand reputation.
  • Hate small talk? Introverts especially find it painful. But we’re networking more these days, and we find ourselves thrust into opportunities to talk with people we’ve never met before. What’s the secret to better conversations? Stanford lecturer and communication instructor Matt Abrahams, host of the highly popular podcast Think Fast, Talk Smart, advises us to seek to be interested, not interesting. Find out more in this story in Inc.
  • Shout out to all the middle managers making the magic happen for the C-Suite above them and the masses of employees below them. David Brooks has an opinion piece for the NY Times, I’m getting you there via his Instagram post.
  • The average lowest salary workers will accept for a new job has climbed to $82,822 in March of 2024. This is up from last November when survey respondents needed an offer of $73,391 to change jobs. More data here.

🦉 You Never Know…

Most people who gamble keep the reins tight to avoid problems that can follow what starts out as harmless fun. This article points out the rise in “gambling” (aka monetary risk taking) via online casinos, sports betting, crypto currency, the stock market, and more. According to research, these environments are getting lots of participants and are particularly attractive to young men. I’m raising this up in case you spot concerning behaviors among your employees, family, or friends.

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 Nature Conservancy & Earth Day 🌟

In honor of Earth Day this past Monday, we’re spotlighting The Nature Conservancy, a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature thrive. Founded in the U.S. through grassroots action in 1951, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has become one of the most effective and wide-reaching environmental organizations in the world. DBE supports this high-rated not-for-profit, and we encourage you to learn about and support them if their mission resonates with you: The Nature Conservancy.

And if you’re looking for other environmental non-profits, check out some of the other nature-themed organizations my company supports.

Noteworthy 🖋
Kelly Stewart, The Positive Business

Kelly Stewart is the person who first taught me about BCorps and their growing importance in a world needing better principled businesses to survive and thrive.

These days, she’s making workplaces better by leveraging her expertise as a Conversations Worth Having certified trainer. Teams learn, practice, and apply a proven two-step process that allows them to identify strengths and build on what works. They do this all while being strongly rooted in the ideal of doing well by doing good.

Kelly helps client organizations engineer real and lasting change by teaching employees at all levels to communicate openly, directly, and with purpose. She also facilitates the “What If You Could?’ Workshop to help organizations discover their unrealized potential and implement their visions.

The end result? Empowered teams proactively stimulate improved teamwork and performance, surface new ideas that make innovation easier, and successfully meet client expectations. If your team would benefit from more purposeful, direct communications, you will always win with Kelly Stewart.

💞 Compassionate Workplaces Intention Pod

I’m so grateful people are finding value in my Monday Morning Intention-Setting Pod. 

Could it be a productive way for you to center and focus yourself at the start of your work week? 

It’s a very simple process: join the Zoom meeting, say hello, and then quietly sit together with the group for 3 minutes or so as we privately set our individual intentions for modeling our best behaviors in the workplace. That’s it! Then, we say bye and head off for the week refreshed and refocused. 9:00-9:15 a.m. ET each Monday. Email me for the Zoom link. We’d love to have you as part of our better workplaces pod.

🎵 On a Personal Note

  • House plants looking a little sad after the long winter? Need some new green friends? Rose Maura Lorre writing for Wirecutter has tips on which online stores offer the best buying experience for when you want to greenify your home.

⏳ Until Next Time…

Please take time to center yourself throughout each day. We’re being pummeled with data, information, and opinions from the time we wake until the time we sleep. Think about that…. At no point in history have people had so much to filter in real time to stay present. So be kind to yourself. Be aware of how your thoughts impact your actions, and how your actions impact others. Don’t expect perfection but do strive to vibe at those higher frequencies for consistently better outcomes. 

Wishing you a refreshing weekend,


Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.