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🧠 I’ve Been Thinking…

…about basic communications theory and how it’s not just delivering the message but ensuring it’s received the way you intended it. So many problems are caused by communications perception. The workplace kindness coaches I talk with help people learn to communicate more directly, with the focus on saying what needs to be said rather than “being nice.”

🚀 Stories to Help You Drive Change

Here are my shares for this week:

SPECIAL NOTE: If you hit a paywall on any of the stories I share, go to Google Search, enter the name of the publication and something about the story (author, title, subject) to get a natural search link that usually by-passes the pay wall. And hey, if you like the publication, consider subscribing to it—that’s how they keep the good info rolling! I’m hearing some paywalls are impenetrable, so for pubs like The Wall Street Journal and the NY Times, I’ll share a bit more here for those of you without subscriptions.

  • The Wall Street Journal reports that many young people are entering the trades and foregoing the college track. Here’s a quote from the article: “A new study by labor analytics firm Burning Glass Institute and Strada Education Foundation shows that roughly half of college graduates end up in jobs where bachelor degrees aren’t needed, and many high-school graduates say they’re disinclined to take on college debt.” It’s not all rosy, but it’s good to see people following paths that hold promise for better futures. AI and robotics are driving part of the shift—more and new jobs that don’t require college degrees. Here’s a link to a related piece about blue collar social influencers.
  • What’s the difference between gossip and sharing information? Is there a difference?  This NY Times opinion piece tends to lump them together, sharing perspectives, research, and ideas, including what happens when people abstain from gossiping. Here’s a nugget: “A recent study from Stanford and the University of Maryland found that gossip and ostracization are “tools that help groups to reform bullies, thwart exploitation and encourage cooperation.” In other words, for those who want to keep gossiping, there is no shortage of justifications for doing so.” 
  • The cost of miscommunication. In dollars. With lots of examples. This post is another “must read” by Neela Singh. I especially like the first example about “agile” almost ruining a company.
  • We talk a lot here about being kind versus being “nice.” Here are tips for being more direct without being unkind.
  • The trials and tribulations of getting representation by women and people of color in business, particularly in tech. Smart summary piece by The Washington Post. Key takeaway: DEI has been politicized and many organizations are rebranding to drive hiring and retention of under-represented segments. 
  • This article from The Wall Street Journal talks extensively about new statistics focused on German workers. Here are examples: “Germans worked 1,343 hours on average last year, less than anyone else in the OECD, a club of 38 rich nations. Germans also took 19.4 sick days last year, according to the Techniker Krankenkasse, the country’s largest health insurer, the highest number ever recorded.” All this and more in direct contrast to the stereotype Germans being “functional workaholics” according to the article. I’m sharing this because many of the signs of change in Germany can be spotted here in the US too, including workers at both ends of the age spectrum expecting to be able to work fewer days per week. 

🦉 You Never Know… Loneliness

Abhijit Bhaduri shares how a colleague’s dread of the weekend got him thinking. It got me thinking, too. Not everyone is looking forward to the weekend (including the long ones). Check out this perspective piece and see if there’s someone in your workplace who may be craving a little more interaction on the weekend—any way you can help them?

🌟 Do Good Spotlight: Hockey Helps

Hockey Helps Inc. hosts its 24 hours of hockey marathon each Labor Day weekend to raise money for local charities.

Since its inception, the Marathon has raised over $6 million for local charities which embody the Hockey Helps mission “’to help individuals struggling with addiction, mental illness, and cancer, and to provide support for children and youth facing economic disadvantages, illness, or related hardships.’”

Thanks to Larry Sprung for telling me about this organization and their annual hockey marathon.

đź–‹ Noteworthy: CEO Hotline!

The CEO Hotline is a new service for female entrepreneurs by female entrepreneurs. It’s a direct line to access expert advice and solutions with seasoned entrepreneurs Kiley Peters, RAYNE IX Founder, and Amanda Nowak, Accelerator Co-Facilitator. This subscription service provides personalized guidance to help you tackle business challenges and seize opportunities, nuanced for challenges unique to female entrepreneurs.

🎵 On a Personal Note

Going back to that NY Times piece on gossip, I have been guilty from time to time but as those of you who know me know, that’s a rarity. Why? Because I heard this years ago and made it a guidepost:

“Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” 

The quote is frequently attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt and while others have argued that great conversations include all three topics (people, events, and topics), I try to stick with the ideas end of the spectrum. If I must talk about someone who is not present (aka gossip), I only say what I would say to them directly. 

Life just works better for me this way….

⏳Until Next Time…

Good things come to those who wait (said no entrepreneur ever). But in this case, the beach waited for me, and I finally got my toes into the sand! I headed to Island Beach State Park this past weekend with my family and had a great time. For the long holiday weekend, friends invited us to their beach house community for fun in the sun and surf. And then the following weekend I’m headed to the Jersey shore again for some (hopefully) boogie boarding. Then I’m hanging up my beach gear until a trip to Myrtle Beach in a few months.

All of which is to say I wish you a wonderful weekend, enjoy!


Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.