Owl logo wearing a crown holds a branch and arrow.

Let’s take a deep breath for the count of 8. Hold for 6. Release the breath for 4. Do it twice more. (And then whenever you feel the need to recenter.)

I hope that helped you. We’re all in this together and yet each apart. So please take care of yourself so we can all take care of each other.

🦋 Content Shares to Inspire Workplace Culture Shifts

Each week, I share stories to help you elevate. By fostering your best self in your work life, you’ll gain strengths that will benefit the rest of your life too.

  • This animation tells how kids’ sense of belonging changes between elementary and middle school. I’m sharing it because it made me think about how adults feel they do or don’t belong in workplaces. The neuroscience is interesting, too.
  • Did you know that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 1 of 8 new moms experience postpartum depression. Scientists recently discovered this depression has a physical cause. This breakthrough can pave the way for better prevention and treatments for new mothers.
  • You’re hiring a direct report. Do you hire someone whose best skills are your best skills? Nope. Try the alphabet approach to staffing.
  • Statistically, what’s the best way to prioritize job candidates? Psychologist Logan Ury shares Secretary Math. What’s that? This: if you sample about “37% of your options before committing, you maximize your chances of picking the best one.”
  • To share or not to share…that is the question when you have “hard news” affecting your life, and you wonder if/when/what to share with your colleagues. (Scroll down, it’s not the top story on the page.) I love the “minimum message” prep idea.

✍️ Increase Workplace Kindness With Our Downloadable Planner

Natalie Lorenzo, the Editor in Chief of A Better Paradigm and certified yoga instructor, created a journal/planner anyone can use to be more purposeful about kindness in the workplace. She’s included weekly prompts to get you thinking, with spaces to plan for the week ahead. What purposeful activity would be complete without a place to reflect? Yep, the planner has a weekly reflection zone too.

Oh, and it’s free, so you have no excuse for not giving it a try. 😊

📖 Book of the Moment: Leading with Compassion

“What does it really mean to lead with compassion?”

Twenty-five thoughtful leaders weigh-in for Leading with Compassion, a new book produced by Changing Work. Each author shares their personal journey for embracing compassion and self-awareness and transforming not only the way they lead but also their connection to the world and the people around them. Learn from their experiences as you pave the way for better workplace culture with your team.

You can purchase this book and others through the A Better Paradigm website. We use the affiliate dollars we earn to spread the word about the value of building conscious workplaces…kinda like what I’m doing right now. 😊

🌟 Do Good Spotlight: Wildlife Conservation Network (WCN)

Protecting endangered wildlife and supporting conservationists are their mission. WCN does this through their vast network of conservation partners, wildlife funds, and investing in local conservationists. Learn more about them: Wildlife Conservation Network.

🎉 Just for Fun

Women sharing whimsical habits made me laugh in all kinds of ways. Enjoy!

Until Next Time…

Your resilience mindset grows stronger when you stay focused on what’s important to you. Focus, focus, focus my friends.


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Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.