
Whatcha’ doing for Thanksgiving? I’m hosting this year after a Covid-induced hiatus from hosting last year. I’m all geared up and have added mini beef wellingtons to the appetizer menu. I keep talking about the Wellingtons who will be joining us this year. My kids are over it, but it still cracks me up every time I say it.

Heads up—no Niki’s Notes next week because, well, I’ll be super busy, so here’s the content that caught my attention for you and you know I’ll have lots more when we publish this again on November 30.

  • Do you find yourself having the same argument over and over again with someone in your work or personal life? Maybe these tips from Jefferson Fischer will slay that dragon once and for all.
  • Excellent piece by Business Insider on the lack of data to support pushing workers back to the office. Good data and takes to task oft-quoted pieces by reporters who skip a few steps in vetting said research.
  • According to CNBC, this perk is one most employees want but too many bosses think is a waste of time. ☹️

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 Lasagna Love 🌟

Sometimes charity causes may seem overwhelming. Saving the world is a big task. Lasagna Love helps bring the world-changing to your kitchen. Lasagna Love volunteers sign up to cook a lasagna and deliver it to a family in need. That’s it. Just old-fashioned love spread through a warm, hearty meal. Learn more about their mission: Lasagna Love.

Noteworthy 🖋
Regenerate Global LLC

Sustainability and ESG are becoming increasingly recognized as important business goals. I think most businesses are trying to find ways to begin to understand, incorporate, and implement these critical planetary goals into day-to-day business activities. Collectively, we have an opportunity to strategically restructure our business models and make them more efficient and profitable. A colleague of mine has launched a new strategy consulting company to help companies like yours review and restructure with these important goals in mind.

Check out Regenerate Global and reach out to Linda Kagan for a consultation to discuss the possibilities! Here’s how to reach her: 212-877-0296; kagan@regenerateglobal.ai.

  • And speaking of sustainability initiatives, Fast Company spends a day with Jim Andrew of Pepsico focused on this very topic. Surfaces lots of what Linda Kagan can help with for companies of all sizes.
  • Are you familiar with “I like, I like, I wonder?” It’s a great way to help open up the mind of someone you are working with.

Remember, no Niki’s Notes next week–Happy Thanksgiving–but I’ll be thinking of you when I give thanks on Thursday for all the good in my life.

Please take care of yourself and focus forward—that’s where the good stuff is!


Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.