
Last week I said we wouldn’t publish this week, but I found more time in my calendar and am eager to share a few things before we all enjoy the holiday and a few extra days off with family and friends…

  • Did you know it’s legal to fire someone because of their weight in 48 of the 50 US states? There are people hard at work to help companies address the disparities caused by bias against overweight people. Here’s more on why it’s an important topic from Mercy Harper for Chief.
  • New Jersey’s highway signs were a little too sassy for Uncle Sam. Have a giggle.
  • Is your brand correctly assessing marketplace sentiment and how to adapt if needed? This from Quick Study gives you tips and an easy acronym.
  • With increasing numbers of people working well into their sixties, it’s time to rethink what retirement means. While many still truly retire, others are applying their talents in new and interesting directions. Michal Clinton has lots to say on the subject, and good data too. For starters, check out this LinkedIn post and a new term I love, “rewirement”.
  • Thanksgiving dinner conversations…tips for great conversations as the holiday season is kicking off:
    • Southern Living offers these.
    • Real Simple’s got you covered.
    • The Washington Post suggests what not to talk about.
    • And to make a game of it, consider TableTopics®, which are boxes of conversation starter cards. They’ve even got one called “Holiday Conversation Pack.”

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 Lend a Hand Uganda-USA 🌟

There is an urgent need to ensure that Uganda’s 3 million orphaned and vulnerable children have access to safe homes, nutritious meals, schooling, and stable communities. LAHU-USA is committed to facilitating and empowering sustainable change in urban and rural Uganda. The organization strives to give community members the tools, training, and support to maintain and grow each project and believes that this holistic approach fosters permanent change that will improve lives. Thanks to Petia Abdur-Razzaaq for telling us about Lend a Hand. How can you help? Learn more here: Lend a Hand Uganda-USA.

Thanks for reading. Happy Thanksgiving!

Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.