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Boy handing an older woman flowers. The title at the top reads: "1 minute of humanity"

1 minute of humanity

You’re welcome. 😊


I hope you’re vibing higher as we like to say around here – attracting the good that comes with staying at those higher frequencies. Those of us with daily gratitude practices swear by them. It’s an easy way to jump into the high-vibe zone and stay there throughout the day. Not sure how to start? Just ask me! I’ve got lots of quick-start tips for you.

For now, set an intention to be open as you breeze through this week’s stories, shared to help energize you as you keep leading with confidence and kindness:

  • According to The Wall Street Journal, fewer people are joining their colleagues after work for happy hour and other social activities, and company-sponsored weekend events are less popular as well. Workers seem to want to keep work culture to work time. What does this mean if you believe socializing is a key ingredient to a happy and productive workforce?
  • Here’s a spot on a podcast about the rise of empathetic leaders – hey, that’s us! Enjoy!
  • How does the CEO-to-worker pay gap affect employees and their work? Fast Company has data.
  • I don’t know anyone who is comfortable with difficult conversations, but practice makes them easier to navigate. Here’s advice on how to approach, plan, and engage in those conversations we all have to initiate from time to time, with tips on making them less painful for everyone involved.
  • Chief reports on what Gen Z really wants during the recruiting process and once hired. Listen up, this is great intel for finding and keeping great talent.
  • While you may not be required by law to give your employees breaks, I’ve found that encouraging people to step away for 20-30 minutes at any point it works for them helps them stay refreshed and alert. We all work remotely here at DBE, so it’s common to see “Away for a Walk-EOM” subject lines throughout the day. We also are working from 9-5 so that we don’t feel pressured to extend the day or work on the weekends. Having reasonable expectations of each other has fostered a wonderful team and I am grateful for them and all they do for the company, our clients, and each other.And if you want to know more about the science behind the value of breaks and their positive effect on productivity at work, there’s this from Harvard Business Review.

Noteworthy 🖋
Avocado Mattress

Holy Guacamole, Batman! Look at all these ESG-certifications for Avocado Mattress. They are living their story as an organic mattress designer and manufacturer. Here’s what they say on their website: “Avocado mattresses are designed in Hoboken and handmade in our factory in California, with domestic and imported certified organic materials. Our mission is to be the most respected source for organic mattressespillows, and bedding at affordable prices — while maintaining environmentally conscious, ethical, and sustainable business practices across our entire supply chain.” I wish I hadn’t just purchased a new mattress so that I could support them with a purchase. Now I’m doing the next best thing: I’m making sure you know about them!

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 4-H Council 🌟

I was in 4-H when I was a kid; it’s how I first learned to horseback ride and take care of horses. I loved the freedom of riding through the woods, pretending I was from a time long ago, discovering the world on horseback. These days, 4-H helps kids and teens learn about the world with hands-on projects in science, health, agriculture, and civic engagement. Learn about what 4-H is doing and how you can help them help us all.

I hope this was worth your time, thanks for reading. See you next week and enjoy the time between now and then.


Niki’s Notes for Better Workplaces

Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.