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Well, it’s officially unofficially autumn. Let’s enjoy the smooth slide into crisp color and refreshing breezes.

Before we get to this week’s shares, I want to ask a favor of you. I know you’re busy, but it’s not a favor for me, it’s for someone you know who may be feeling a little blue, a little misunderstood, a little left out. I have no idea who that could be in your world, but I kinda’ think we all have at least one of these people in our circle, heck, it could even be you. So if it’s not you, consider making the outreach. “Just thinking about you, want to chat?” is all it may take to help someone who is feeling the strain of our world feel and function a little bit better. Thanks! And if it is you, just reach out and let’s chat—we’ve all been there.

News for Your Leadership Self

  • Have you considered that we’re not really talking about work-life balance for a number of employees—women in particular—but rather work/work balance? That’s because women still spend disproportionate hours doing work around the home, on average, than their male counterparts do in the same home. So when we are talking about the advantages remote work provides to those female workers, this article by Stephanie H. Murry in The Atlantic suggests we rethink the impression it’s all about work/life balance (though it is greatly that too) but that many people who prize working from home do so because it enables them to do their other work: taking care of family members; cleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. with the time they save not commuting. I liked the idea this introduced about work/work balance so I’m sharing.
  • If you’ve got Apple devices you can read this one, it’s in Apple News in Conversation and it’s a compilation of insights by journalist Steve Lopez about how to know when it’s time to retire. He’s got a book on the topic, and there’s an interview with Shumita Basu and Steve on the Think Again series on Apple podcasts. Good stuff no matter where you are in your career, so take a listen.
  • Should DEI include “B” for belonging? According to this article by Lisa Galloway for Chief, “The renewed emphasis on this term comes with good reason. The feeling of belonging has been shown to have a direct impact on vital business metrics. According to research published at Harvard Business Review, high belonging was linked to a 56% increase in job performance, a 50% drop in turnover risk, and a 75% reduction in sick days.”
  • I recently shared two articles about people being meaner to each other. This, from Axios, digs into the reasons why. And I’m sharing it here because these are the issues affecting your team that ultimately can have an impact on you and your work. What can we do about it? Let’s make ripples that become the waves. For now, learn more about theories about what’s going on (And when I was copying the link for you, I noticed the story below is about one of my favorite not-for-profits, the Wounded Warrior Project, celebrating its 20th anniversary.)
  • You’re not misremembering: there’s new, proposed federal legislation to raise the salary level for overtime exemptions from $35,568 to $55,068, meaning that workers earning up to $55,068 annually will be required to receive overtime pay. SHRM (The Society of Human Resource Managers) has more.
  • Pay gap reporting was the first step for many states to increase wage transparency. Now Colorado, Illinois, and New Jersey have laws going into effect or pending that will require employers to tell employees about opportunities that would be promotions for internal staff. Bloomberg has more.

Do Good Spotlight
🌟 Zero Prostate Cancer 🌟

September is National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month and our do good shout out goes to Zero Prostate Cancer, an organization fully embracing its role as a leader in providing information, support, and connection for people in the prostate cancer community. Thank you to Judy Berman for telling me about Cancer Awareness Month and this truly amazing organization. The more I learn about it, the more I want to make sure everyone else learns about it too.

Noteworthy 🖋
Coach Judy Berman

Speaking of Judy Berman, there are a lot of great coaches out there, but I’m hard pressed to think of someone who consistently earns the kind of accolades Judy does. She’s earned her reputation for helping people in the early years of their careers and those in middle management better understand themselves personally and professionally to navigate career options for highly aligned outcomes. While she leverages the Harrison and EQi assessments, which others can do, the real rewards come from Judy herself. Time and again, her clients express gratitude for the coaching she provides in helping them generate meaningful career wins. If you or someone on your team wants to make better career decisions from an informed foundation, reach out to Judy to see how to add her expertise to your toolkit.

News to Take Care of You

  • The Guardian reports that on average, surgeries performed by female surgeons have (slightly) better outcomes than those performed by their male counterparts. Though the gap is small, the reasons—and the fixes—are fascinating.
  • I, personally, have given up on this, but it’s not too late for you to become a morning person if you really really want to.

That’s it for this week. Let me know what you think of me splitting the biz info from the personal care info, it’s new this week. Enjoy the rest of the week and remember to check in on people. And if you need a little Niki time, just reach out.


Niki’s Notes for Compassionate Workplaces

Weekly news and insights on the compassionate workplace movement with commentary, spotlights on innovative companies, and not-for-profits that deserve extra love! Edited by A Better Paradigm Founder, Niki.