Full Title: The Elevation Principles: Ascend the Ladder
“Is there a change you want to make in your life?
If so, what is holding you back?
What is one small step that you can take
to become the best version of yourself?
The Elevation Principles gives you the guidance, resources, and support to break free of old habits, hold yourself accountable, and create new pathways for change. This book offers ways to climb the ladder of possibilities through clearly defined principles that are simplified to easily fit into your daily schedule. Jennifer Clearwaters and Cynthia O’Connell-lifetime educators, learners and athletes-have done the research on behavioral change and mind-body balance. They can help you to ditch the excuses and commit to your journey to health and wellness.”
Why We Recommend
Approaching mindfulness and meditation seems like an imposing task at the start. Authors, Jennifer Clearwaters and Cynthia O’Connell, break it down in a clear steps to help anyone find presence in their lives. It’s full of relatable, real-life stories and simple exercises that are useful during the workday to keep you calm and focused.
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