• We met Pedro Laboy through super connector Michael Bendit, and we had a fantastic conversation about his passion for helping business leaders and their teams [...]

  • We’re spotlighting MIT for releasing a slew of free courses you won’t want to miss. Thanks to @ForGoodCode on Instagram for this and so many other [...]

  • Historically, they seemed to understand and address the concerns of female passengers, offered free rides to people going on job interviews, and now they’ve [...]

  • Do you feel that your business, or a particular department in it, needs better systems, SOPs, documented, repeatable processes to facilitate success? If the answer [...]

  • Roots is a wealth building system that rewards real estate investors and residents, aka landlords and renters. With so many people forced to rent for [...]

  • You know we're all about productivity because it funds time for creativity and connecting people. So when we learned about the benefits of Todoist thanks [...]

  • If your company is challenged to keep its website healthy and updated because of staffing shortages or resources that are less than reliable, I want [...]

  • Yep, that’s really their name. And we absolutely love this company. It’s a B Corp that employs a non-stop sense of humor to get consumers [...]

  • If you’re familiar with the horrendous bias in the US healthcare system affecting people of color, you will applaud this app. Irth helps pregnant black [...]

  • LifeVac is the original suction device that saves lives. It creates a one-way suction to remove the lodged object (food, toys, etc.). The holidays [...]

  • Mill.com composts LOTS of food and lots of varieties of food right in your kitchen. And then it comes and picks it up and gets [...]

  • We learned about Giving1Percent.com from its founder, Mindy Gibbins-Klein. It’s an awesome idea that costs you nothing to try. Here’s the question: Are You Giving [...]

  • A publication after our own hearts: Nice News. It’s free, it’s wonderful, and it will make you feel good. Nice news publishes upbeat, positive stories [...]

  • Holy Guacamole, Batman! Look at all these ESG-certifications for Avocado Mattress. They are living their story as an organic mattress designer and manufacturer. Here’s what [...]

  • There are all kinds of innovation going on in the sustainability space, and here’s one you might want to know about for whatever new [...]