Noteworthy Compassionate Companies

These compassionate companies were featured in the Noteworthy section of Niki’s Notes. Each company saw opportunities to make positive change, and they succeeded.

  • We discovered Mutale Nkonde and her nonprofit AI for the People (AFP) through TechCrunch’s new initiative to focus on women who [...]

  • Holy Guacamole, Batman! Look at all these ESG-certifications for Avocado Mattress. They are living their story as an organic mattress designer [...]

  • We met Pedro Laboy through super connector Michael Bendit, and we had a fantastic conversation about his passion for helping business [...]

  • Do you feel that your business, or a particular department in it, needs better systems, SOPs, documented, repeatable processes to facilitate [...]

  • We’re big fans of Canva at DBE, and not just because it’s a getting-better-every-minute platform that makes it easy to improve [...]

  • This company transforms daily cleaning and storage essentials into environmentally safe products. Think reusable food storage bags, laundry detergent strips, [...]

  • We love what Crayola Flowers is about. Sure, they allow you to purchase and send flowers, but they are so [...]

  • As a young adult, Joe Landolina was constantly experimenting with natural materials in the lab and developed an adhesive hemostatic gel [...]

  • Consumer You: Wouldn’t you feel better knowing the packaging for the items you have shipped to you kept your new purchases [...]

  • Gather Voices enables any company with many customers, members, fans, donors, or employees to lift up the voices of their community [...]

  • This not-for-profit caught my attention, because it’s focused on building a center for conscious character development in Manhattan. It’s a [...]

  • We learned about from its founder, Mindy Gibbins-Klein. It’s an awesome idea that costs you nothing to try. Here’s the [...]

  • Q: How do you start to reduce your company’s carbon footprint? A: Learn via Greenly. They’ve helped over 2,000 companies plan and implement [...]

  • I learned about Greenwood CRE from Jon Stravitz and love the company’s diversity story. I especially appreciate how Greenwood differentiates itself in what many [...]

  • Absolutely inspiring — the story founder Yelitsa Jean-Charles told about getting a black Barbie — it wasn’t the story we expected. [...]

  • Inception Consultants is highly regarded for their work in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). They offer comprehensive support for businesses [...]

  • If you’re familiar with the horrendous bias in the US healthcare system affecting people of color, you will applaud this app. [...]

  • LedgerFunding is a funder-agnostic marketplace for working capital solutions – invoice factoring, purchase order financing, and supply chain finance. They help [...]

  • LifeVac is the original suction device that saves lives. It creates a one-way suction to remove the lodged object (food, [...]

  • LiquidPiston is raising money to support the continued development of their reinvented internal combustion engine. Their engines are liquid cooled, [...]

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