Hi, Were you affected by the “haze” this week? It was eerie having haze without the heat that usually accompanies it. So many people [...]
Hi, Last weekend was really great, lots of sunshine, biking, and family time. The food truck festival at Monmouth Park racetrack was fun for the [...]
Hi! I just love that quote. And I took it to heart this weekend by investing time in [...]
Hi! Did you have a good weekend, and are you looking forward to the next one? Hope both answers are affirmative. To keep your 360°-self [...]
Hi! How’s May treating you? I know, I know, we’re just getting started, but I’m liking it so far, how about you? This week [...]
Hi, I’ve long had a special place in my heart for Thursdays. When I was in elementary school, for several years in a row, gym [...]
How’s It Going? I had such a great weekend last weekend, it felt like the old days, seeing friends in person, catching up, laughing together. [...]
Hi, Are you enjoying the glorious weather? Those of us in the northeast are really getting treated to warm spring days and cool evenings. I’m [...]
Happy April! We’re a little more than 25% through 2023, how are you doing? It’s been a wild ride, but I think we’re collectively [...]
Hi, How’s your week going so far? I have daffodil envy. Apparently something happened to the ones that were planted by the previous owner, they [...]
Well, Hi There! I’m back–took my first two-week vacation EVER, and it was truly relaxing. My husband and I went on a southern Caribbean [...]
Hi, How’s March treating you? So far so good here in Princeton… Each week I try to surface stories that inspire, inform, and/or spark [...]
Hi, March is just around the corner and so is spring. I hope you’ve got great plans for the weekend. Depending on when you’re [...]
Hi, We made it past the Groundhog, the Super Bowl, and Cupid’s fun. So much to celebrate in February. Next up, SPRING! Here are [...]
Hi, How’s your February going? Mine’s kinda awesome. Celebrated another birthday (whew, made it!) and am excited about launching the Philadelphia chapter of The Connective. [...]